Supplier Portal FAQ

Answer: DO NOT use your old bookmarked page, you need to REPLACE the bookmark with this new url link:

Important: Using the old URL with your new MFA password will not work, and may lead to your account being locked out.

2. Can I use my existing/old password to setup MFA in the DIFS Supplier Portal?

Answer: No, DO NOT use your existing/old password the first time you setup MFA in the DIFS Supplier Portal. Click on the 'Forgot Password' link to begin the MFA setup.

3. My business/organization does not have a phone number to use for MFA registration. What should we do?

Answer: There is an option available to setup Security Questions. Follow the steps in the MFA Job aid in the section 'Enroll Security Questions as Primary Verification Method'.

4. I am having issues setting up MFA, who do I contact?

Answer: Send an email to [email protected] to request assistance.

Bank / Payment Questions

1. Is the bank letter a required document to setup ACH payments (Direct Deposit)? (What if a bank refuses to provide a bank letter)

Answer: Though a bank letter is preferred, it is not required to set up ACH.

2. What supporting documentation is required to change my ACH information using the supplier portal?

Answer: Suppliers that would like to change their ACH information should submit a voided check when submitting the request through the supplier portal.

3. What should I do if my bank is not able to be selected?

Answer: Please send an email to [email protected] indicating that your bank is not available to be selected when setting up your ACH information. The District will review and update the system so that the bank is selectable and will then let you know when it is completed so you can add your ACH information.

4. After the ACH information has been approved by the District, how many days does it take for the ACH payment to take effect?

Answer: Any payments that are already in process will continue to be issued via check. However, any invoices processed after the ACH approval by the District will be immediately available to be paid via ACH.

5. Will suppliers be able to see their payment information in the supplier portal? (The check number and date or the date the ACH payment has posted to their account).

Answer: Yes

6. Can the District send ACH Payments to Canada or other countries?

Answer: No, only U.S. Banks are eligible for ACH payment. No foreign bank accounts are being accepted for ACH payments.

Supplier Registration Questions

1. Do I have to attach a W-9 form?

Answer: Yes

2. I am an existing supplier and am trying to update my information using the supplier portal. However, it will not let me. What do I do?

Answer: To access the supplier portal, an email address must be on the supplier record. Contact the District at (202)-442-6870 or email at [email protected] . Once the email address has been updated to the supplier record, the supplier portal will be accessible.

3. Do I need to log into the new system?

Answer: There are only two reasons why you should log into the DIFS Supplier Portal:

  1. If you are not an existing Procurement Center of Excellence (PCOE) vendor and need to register as a supplier
  2. If you are a PCOE vendor and need to update your supplier information such as contact information, and banking details for ACH payments.

NOTE: If you are a PCOE vendor and don’t need to update your information, there is no need to log into the new system.

4. What is the acceptable format of the Taxpayer Identification Number on the supplier profile using the DIFS Supplier Portal?

Answer: Only use numbers; the dashes are not required and will cause the update to be rejected.

5. How do I change my address?

Answer: You may access the Supplier Portal and update your address in DIFS. Please note, you will also have to access PASS and update your address there as well.

Invoicing Questions

1. Where do I enter my valid invoices?

Answer: For standard Purchase Orders that are issued from the Procurement Automated Source System (PASS) and begin with a prefix of 'PO', please continue to use the existing DC Vendor (E-invoicing) Portal to submit valid invoices for payment; click here: Invoicing Vendor Portal (

For Notice of Grant Awards (NOGA) Purchase Orders which begin with a prefix of either ‘P23’ or 'P43', use the DIFS Supplier Portal; click here: Supplier Portal | ocfo (