Certification Applications and Supporting Documents

Holistic Nursing is my core identity — the aspect of myself which I savor the most! Now using this core and working in health and wellness nurse coaching (board certified), I have integrated the two approaches. My attention is back to my essence - which fuels all other aspects of me and my work. I look forward to that recertification in 2 years.

— Holly Miller, RN, BS, HWNC-BC, CWP, CHTP
Board Certified: Holistic Nurse/Health and
Wellness Nurse Coach

Testimonial 2

AHNCC national board certification in holistic nursing opens doors for nurses practicing in the rapidly growing field of holistic and integrative healthcare. We’ve had numerous graduates of our program tell us this certification was a deciding factor in receiving the position or promotion they were seeking. In addition, nurse leaders tell us that having certified holistic nurses on their team has added value to the patient experience and the overall culture of their organization.

— Marie Shanahan, MA, BSN, RN, HN-BC
Veda Andrus, EdD, MSN, RN, HN-BC
The BirchTree Center for Healthcare Transformation

Testimonial 3

As a nurse leader, I realize the importance of having nurses' competencies validated through a national certification process. AHNCC provides valuable certification for all levels of Holistic Nursing and Nurse Coaching. Recent changes in health care are redesigning roles of nurses in the outpatient arena. These certifications provide opportunities and serve nurses when engaging patients in their health and wellness.

—Lourdes Lorenz, DHA-abd, MSN-IH, RN, AHN-BC,
NEA-BC President-Elect, American Holistic Nurses Assoc. Director, International Integrative Health Institute

Testimonial 4

You guys are amazing! Whether I passed or not no longer matters. I rest assured that my chosen path is the right one for me. engaged with others on the path of love and service. Thanks so much. Gratitude and blessings! :)

Testimonial 5

Wow!… Thank you so much for your kindness, understanding, and incredibly prompt response. I'm so honored to be a part of this organization!

Peace and blessings to you and yours,

Testimonial 6

It may sound really corny and trite but it is such an honor to me to say that I am a Board Certified Holistic Nurse and I am so happy to be re-certifying. Thanks so much for all of your help and support.

Testimonial 7

Establishing a voucher program with the AHNCC has lifted the barrier of the expense of certification for Parkview Health's Holistic Nurses. We have seen profound growth in the use of holistic nursing practices in our health system in the last three years and I believe that ease of certification has been a driving factor.
Sarah Weaver

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Cedar Park, TX 78613

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