Master Service Agreement: Everything You Need to Know about MSA

Andrew is the founder and managing member of Sequoia Legal, LLC headquartered in Denver. He advises domestic and foreign companies and organizations, entrepreneurs and individuals on a variety of corporate and international regulatory and transactional matters

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MSA agreement

You might enter into a Master Services Agreement (the “MSA” meaning in business transactions) with another party with whom you have continuing or repeated transactions in international trade. The MSA sets out basic terms that cover all individual transactions, with less need for renegotiation. In this way, a master service agreement can improve your company's project management practices and result in a more simplified negotiation process for future contracts.

In fact, using master service agreements means that many of the basic terms of contracts between the parties remain the same; only the specific details may need to be finalized. Nearly any company that depends on ongoing business relationships with other companies can benefit from master service agreements. An MSA can also help protect your company's intellectual property rights.

What Is an MSA?

A Master Service Agreement is a framework agreement that nails down certain basic contractual terms. These terms apply to all future transactions of the same nature. The parties also anticipate the creation of later agreements that will govern the specifics of the individual transactions the agreements refer to. The existence of an MSA simplifies the content of later agreements that cover individual transactions by eliminating redundancy.

Some terms might need to be included in the MSA, or expanded into separate agreements, depending on the nature of the anticipated transactions. You might, for example, need a separate service level agreement (SLA), which is a service agreement used for technical specifications. The goal is to create an interlocking network of agreements.

What Is the Purpose of a Master Service Agreement?

The purpose of a master service agreement (MSA) is to make it easier for two or more parties involved in a business relationship to negotiate future contracts. When the parties know the basic terms that will govern their business relationship, these terms can be outlined in an MSA master service agreement to streamline the negotiation process.

With a master services agreement in place, two or more parties simply need to negotiate the details of individual contracts as the need arises. All such contracts would be governed by the same basic terms agreed to in the master services agreement.

Master services agreements are not just beneficial to parties who need multiple, ongoing contracts; they can also be helpful to parties who anticipate needing a specific contract in the future and want to hammer out the terms and conditions that will govern that contract ahead of time. When it is time to negotiate the specific contract for goods or services, the parties have already agreed to the rules that will govern their eventual contract.

master service agreement

Why a Master Service Agreement Is Necessary for Your Business

A master services agreement may seem like an unnecessary investment, especially if your business operation is presently small. You may have prepared contracts in the past by scouring the internet for drafts, templates, and examples used by others. The problem with this approach is that the sources you use to draft these piecemeal contracts may be of questionable quality and relevancy.

However, once you make a master services agreement, it can be used in all future contracts into which your business enters. You do not need to worry about whether the template or example you are using is tailored to your needs or situation. Instead, your master service agreement would only need to be periodically reviewed, updated, and amended as your needs change or in response to new situations.

What Should Be in a Master Service Agreement?

What should a master service agreement cover? A lot depends on the specific parties and the nature of the anticipated transactions. Nevertheless, certain issues tend to come up again and again. Common MSA terms include:

An MSA should also include terms that allow it to administer and interpret side agreements and transaction-specific agreements under the MSA. The MSA should, for example, state that its terms govern whenever there is a conflict between the terms of the MSA and the terms of a subordinate agreement. The MSA should also include terms that take into account its jurisdiction over other agreements such as:

Some of the foregoing agreements will probably be incorporated into your MSA as individual clauses. Which terms merit separate agreements, and which terms need to be expanded into side agreements all depends on the specific nature of your business arrangement.

What is an MSA agreement

Benefits of a Master Service Agreement

Drafting and executing an MSA is not a matter of vanity or style. A well-drafted MSA offers numerous practical advantages to parties who enter into a long-term service arrangement. Some of the benefits of a master services agreement include:

MSAs are standard practice in many industries, for the reasons stated above as well as other reasons.

What Are the Disadvantages of an MSA?

Master service agreements do have their drawbacks, although these are often outweighed by their benefits. A master service agreement may:

It is possible to reduce the impact of these disadvantages through careful drafting of an MSA. It is also helpful to have an MSA drawn up specifically for your business by a competent law firm instead of trying to draft your own master service agreement.

The Most Common MSA Disputes

The existence of an MSA tends to lessen the likelihood of conflict between the parties. Nevertheless, conflict sometimes occurs anyway. Most conflicts revolve around one or more of the following issues:

The more risks the MSA covers in advance, the lower the likelihood of conflict down the road.

master services agreement

Why Not Use MSA Templates Found on the Internet?

Examples and templates of master service agreements abound on the internet. However, your MDA and its terms should be specifically tailored to your needs. This includes accounting for the nature of your business, the other party’s business, and the project itself.

Using legal documents found on the internet, including MDA templates, presents certain dangers and disadvantages. With a master service agreement, you will be bound to the terms of that agreement, whether they are beneficial to you or not. Therefore, it is highly advantageous to use an MDA that is crafted with your needs and situation in mind.

Master Service Agreement Checklist

A comprehensive master service agreement will include specific terms and provisions. The key components of master service agreements are:

One of the most effective ways to ensure your master services agreement is complete is to have it drafted and reviewed by an experienced and qualified attorney.

We’re Waiting to Hear From You

If your company needs to execute an MSA, you should not finalize it until you have submitted it to an experienced MSA lawyer for a careful review. Alternatively, we can draft the entire agreement for you from scratch. Contact Sequoia Legal by telephone at (303) 476-2851 or contact us online for a free consultation.